Tortuguitas CLASS

Age: 5 weeks to 1 year old

Tortuguitas has a ratio of 5 children to 1 adult.

Pecesitos cLASS

Age: 1 to 2 year old

Pecesitos has a ratio of 6 children to 1 adult.

Delfines cLASS

Age: 2 to 3 year old

Delfines has a ratio of 9 children to 1 adult.


Ballenas cLASS

Age: 3 to 4 year old

Ballenas has a ratio of 10 children to 1 adults.


Tiburones (NC-pk) cLASS

Age: 4 to 5 year old

Tiburones has a ratio of 10 children to 1 adults.