
Adriana Espinosa - Owner/Director

Adriana Espinosa was born in Colombia. She started as the director and a teacher of the 3-5 year olds in 2008. She has a Early Childhood Administration Credential Level 3, and a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Level 11. Adriana loves working with children and has been a teacher since 1986. She uses her knowledge and education to contribute to the educational and emotional development of the children. Personally, she is a proud mother of 3 young boys (Mateo, Jacob, and Miguel Angel) and a wife to Juan Carlos Echeverry, that works in the Chapel Hill Carrboro City School.


Alondra Ruiz - preschool teacher

Alondra Ruiz was born in Mexico. She started as the infant teacher in 2009, for about a year. She has been the teacher of the 4 and 5 year olds for the past 9 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood and a Early Educator Certificate level 3. Alondra is a mother of two girls (Itzel and Yaretzi).